How do dogs feel when abandoned? If this bulldog’s cries are anything to go by, then it’s pretty much how you would feel if your family abandoned you. Fortunately, there is a happy ending. Read below to learn Ritter’s story.
The Humane Society for Hamilton County in Indiana is no stranger to abandoned animals, and taking them to a shelter is a much better option than throwing them out on the streets. So when this Indiana family lost their home and couldn’t keep their dog anymore, they took him to the Humane Society. Meet Ritter, a 4-year-old American Bulldog.

Unfortunately, Ritter’s home was significantly damaged and his family couldn’t take care of him anymore. While at the shelter, the Humane Society was able to capture this image of a gloom-looking Ritter, obviously sad and confused at the fact that he was separated from his family. What must be going through his head? If you ever wondered if dogs remember being abandoned, then one quick look at this photo should answer your question.

While Ritter had to endure some sad days, his story has a happy ending. The Humane Society’s photo went viral and Ritter was even able to make appearances at morning shows to spread his story around. Luckily, it worked out for him as a wonderful family decided to adopt him and take care of him. Now, Ritter is once again feeling the love and security that comes with being a part of his family.

Unfortunately, Ritter is not the only dog that had to be surrendered at the shelter – his buddy Corky was also taken to the shelter. Just like Ritter and Corky, there are many animals who have spent months at the shelter, waiting for a family to adopt them. If you love animals and want them to find their forever home, then share Ritter’s story and tell your friends to check out your local animal shelters. Help these beautiful creatures find their forever home!